Sunday, 31 May 2015

The first of my one hundred faces.

Since my first post, I have experienced a kind of stage fright and therefore have hesitated before carrying on with my blog. I then stumbled upon a Facebook group that intrigues me.  The group is called One Hundred Faces and was started by mixed media artist Sharon Tomlinson. She has created a piece of art with all 100 faces on it. Various artists have posted all manner of portraits in the group, some really beautiful work. I can be prone to a bit of drifting and to have some kind of focus that will give me starting point is fabulous. I do not intend to create one piece of art using all 100 portraits but actually create them all separately using different media. Some may be a simple sketch in a journal, some hopefully a frame-able artwork, maybe even an air dry clay sculpture but I want to accept the challenge to commit to creating the full one hundred faces. I am sure I am not the only person who needs an exterior focus sometimes to motivate themselves.
My Lady Peacock, above, is my first face, an acrylic paint on wood board. It is telling perhaps that she is masked, a little nod to my hesitant nature. But I am under starters orders and I am off!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Tada! warts 'n all

I had been delaying the writing of my first post on this here blog, waiting for the alignment of all things and for that elusive blueprint for the perfect first blog post. However, realising I could be waiting a looong while, I decided to step out in imperfection and simply offer a cheery Hello, declare this blog open and God bless all who sail in her!
The last few years for me have been spent immersing myself in the mixed media art world and flexing my creative muscles. I have learnt much and been so inspired by the blogs of artists and other creative women, that I now feel drawn to sharing my creative experiences, musings and reaching out to a community of like minded people through my own blog.
This is a photo of my studio space at home. I was going to tidy it all up and make it more of a photo shoot look but hey, this is just how it looks most of the time so lets just go with it. So excited to see where this venture leads.